
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.

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Wednesday th 21, 04.1999 (12h51) great. doing a little better.
second acupuncture treatment
in as many weeks, first cuppa joe since last Friday!
…in his early hitsong ‘tu nombre me sabe a yerba’
* yr name tastes like grass to me??- joan manuel serrat sings/wrote, ‘because it´s you I love/because I love

you/ I came down from hill country/& took to th sea’…
well- my life, my joy & pleasure, my tasks for recovery & acceptance of my self -whatever contingent bundle of

learnd traits & sensory perspectives may serve as grounding axioms for my current existence, whatever this self

may be for th time being (for ‘Th Time Being’??)
* th more positive forces that serve to orient me seem to pointedly lead in th opposite direction: away from th

roiling seashore of my childhood & youth, now severely compromised, nearly eroded away- & up th sharp, steep

slopes into la cordillera central of my birth island…admittedly, what we call mountains in puerto rico are

overturnd ice cream cones compared to th tall continental ranges on this planet, & I don’t believe my steps are

inexorably leading me to scale th geographical everest- but it has always seemd & felt extremely satisfying to

me to literalise & physicalise my ruling metaphors, whether of a more personal nature, or culturally derived to

th point of being markedly worn w/ common usage…th big ‘camino d santiago’ pilgrimage plan for this year

arising from this current (th image & sense of th companion I search for is framed by th gate labeled ‘mountain

woman’: since I have taken to heart th injunction to become myself what I lack, need & seek, I’ve bn able to

enjoy th path & th process a reat deal more than I seemd to be able to until very recently…)
…then th weekend got a little nuts & exhausting, beginning w/ a climb to th summit of el yunque on thursday &

two cups of espresso to get me going on friday…so here it is, after midnight on monday going into dawn of

tuesday th 27th…overextending mself, second-guessing myself, my choices by default & tired by roadtime…
luff, d=(8[>

Written by morituri

April 26th, 1999 at 10:16 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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