Archive for March, 2003
unterWegs: enAttendant St.Pat…
where was th doorway
to this perfect world?
am i at fault
for arriving asleep?
who do i thank
and who do i blame
now that th devil
joins god as he weeps?
night like a vault
over clouds like a grid
& proud scars of pine boughs
that will not be hid
restless redeemers
conspire salvation
lighting th fuse
for th good of all nations
-while sleepwalking lovers
follow their itch
slow-loping seekers
wallow & twitch…
unterWegs:Ulster Park, NY
(con mucho carinyo para Nancy)
what is this itch?
dissolution thirst or longing return?
yearning to merge? lust for th heights?
hunger for worlds of circling appetites
that burn out our senses?
th moon strains to fill
la vispera de la primavera, tibia de repente
-night’s eve of spring, suddenly warm-
while junkyard dogs
relay their anxious bark
a slow crawling freight train
drags its mournful whistle
low enough to tangle down
th clattering pistons close
behind skeleton trees of winter
urging narrow gauge tracks
on, towards midnight…
questions- arguments- debates
nobody to reply from th fences
fiery giving, taken on th rocks
barren of dionysian sprouts
living deathwish? blows
from th elements…