
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.

am strand hebdo/far from shore…

without comments

another saturday night…
‘don’t you ever be ashamed/’cause y’re only lonely…’
who sang that? j.d.souther? -& was it nigel olsson, elton john’s sometime
drummer, who had a hit w/ a tune telling us to
‘put on yr dancing shoes/shake out those worn-out blues/here’s one
to love & to chance/ caught on that wheel of romance…
another saturday night/& i ain’t got nobody…
dancing around th kitchen, fixing up my usual salad niçoise for dinner, my
trips upon a new-age version of ‘i’ve got you under my skin’: it’s not too
but when you come to th bridge- ‘don’t you know, you fool/you never can
* this is very subtle, it’s like a mistake, but terribly meaningful- th lines go-’use yr REALITY/wake up to MENTALITY’…oh, wow…
got a big citronella candle in a bucket burning hot w/ a big flame @ my ankles…
i miss you all…i miss ‘th kindness of strangers’ out there, receding
further & further away as th world & middle age wear on…
* & speaking of lyrics- one insomniac night last wk i was trying to remember dylan’s ‘memphis blues again’ from th blonde on blonde album as i tossd & turnd-
well, there’s
one stanza i remember fairly well, goes-
‘when ruthie says come see her/by her honky-tonk lagoon
where i can watch her waltz away for free/’neath her panamanian moon i says, oh, come on, now/don’t you know ’bout my debutante ‘n she says, yr debutante knows what you need/but i know…what you want’ (ohhmama/can this really be th end?/to be stuck inside’a moblie w/ th memphis blues again…)
* & i realized that last line had bn bothering me all along- i mean- dylan’s supposd to be saying ruthie has a deeper knowledge of th ‘narrator’s’ desires than a young (WASPy?) debutante does, right? but, excuse me, bob, NEEDS seem to me, by
definition, closer
to th deep, hidden undercurrent(s) of desire, where WANTS signify th
socially conditioned
whims we certainly learn not to indulge but are closer to th surface- am i
right here, or
what? like father hession used to say to us in his tenth grade english
class in san ignacio,

Written by morituri

December 12th, 1998 at 7:43 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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