
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.

amStrand hebdo:NYear’s

without comments

(Message text written by INTERNET:terri@microrave.com:)
“try being alone without being lonely… there’s nothing other then ‘U’ that exists, so relax and expand into your true self~ ;)
gratitude list: i don’t need to be medicated to get thru my day… I’m grateful for my physical health…for (this) contradictory, new, exciting vehicle & means of expression/production I’ve found…discovered…seized… for th diverse group of friends, acquaintances, associates (codependents?) I’ve corralled into becoming something between audience & support group…
a very special public new year’s thanks to my ‘netfriend terri, who helps me stay sane in basic but ultimately mysterious ways that resist rational explanation…
& who teaches me by her unique example to take th risk & accept responsibility for determining what th appropiate boundaries are between my ‘public’ & ‘private’ selves/spheres…thankyouthankyouthankyou…
got my wolf engine running again, not yet running me down though running me ragged up th peaks, ragged & raw down th troughs… I come alive on a route anywhere- on my way elsewhere, legs in motion pedal to th metal or path to be self-plodded…
(Thursday th 31, 12.1998 (10h47) here comes nineteen-ninety-nine circling th globe, rushing @ us in darkness- th sun is already setting across europe on this last day of th year… is it midnight in tokyo yet? do they much care about it there? does th christian calendar & ordering of time rule th planet? apart from muslims & jews…does th ‘orient’ share some sort of a generalisd buddhist reckoning? excuse my ignorance…
…muchas felicidades & prospero a~o nuevo- d=(8{>

Written by morituri

December 31st, 1998 at 10:22 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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