
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.


without comments

…meaning, ‘wholly gone over’ or ‘gone to th other side’:
th mantra @ th end of th ‘heart of perfect wisdom’, known as th ‘heart sutra’
for short- th most perfect, radical, concentrated, direct, confrontational,
purifying, world-healing, & why not say it, enlightening spiritual text in
any culture- in my humble, frayed, coverless, hand-printed book, @ least…
saludos desde antigua, guatemala. i just had to let it go.
you set yr boundries for safe distance yr way, i’m still learning to set
mine. i may not follow it to th distorted, self-critical letter of perfection
i have learned to hold myself hostage to, but i have a program, i keep
remembering & being reminded of in th best, genstlest, sweetest, toughloving
ways my inner adolescent steppenwolf cd ever wish for.
mucho amore, d.settj=(8{>

Written by morituri

March 3rd, 2000 at 3:13 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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