
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.


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it takes seven days to round out th week
(a patriarchal repeating grid…two morning trinities
fold a squared cycle to break th lunar month down-
wotan’s hinge closes north, hermes opens rome)

another saturday night-
my first run in fifty days: thursday made it seven weeks since my last
-barely nineteen minutes, not even two miles…

it’s a struggle, beginner’s mind…room for clutter & search.
is it th new moon? cudda mighta shudda checked-?
online missing th sunset, then rush to close th house & warm up

domingo de gallo, rooster cockerel doggerel crow-eat-crow sturmy sonday:
tio jaime celebrates his eightieth birthday at his daughter’s house.
lunch was served around five: beef & ham & rice & caesar salad

momday, momday- playing watertricks
on my growing tommy lapcat
i recover my practical joker w/a nasty streak

i’m just beginning to see/now i’m on my way- tuesday afternoon-?
(dreams & heavy morning, grey wash & blur) repent, repent!

midweek again- unexpected tropical storm dean bearing down
th very evening my aunt selected for th memorial mass ahead of ma’s eighth anniversary
…brother javier just called to cancel our drive into san juan…

thunders’ay night felt fine because i finally ran again
much better- 2m/3.2k in 2o minutes
-plus a couple hundred extra meters after missing my road mark

tgif. but i had too much wine enjoying my menage-a-un:
found some dried shiitake mushrooms & a gorgeous head of radicchio
en amigo supermarket (lo mejor al mejor precio!)
-so i stirfried a mostly mediterranean medley of veggies
for a big semi-oriental marco polo bowl of penne primavera

ess ay tee you ar- one more saturday night’s alright for fighting song…
seems to be th day i give in & have a second espresso. but i didn’t run. ayayay.

Written by morituri

August 27th, 2001 at 2:28 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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