
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.

amStrand hebdo: voll mond…

without comments

(-& empty arms… go’bless th deutsche sprache, in which ‘th moon’ is masculine:der mond- el luna? -el luno??
* & th sun is gendered femenine: die sonne, la sol! lovely reversal of th conventional gender associations- @ least for latin-derived, romance languages…)

(Wednesday th 17, 12.1997)
I can’t think or run away-
th road is louder than th radio
* this off-road time machine of mine won’t hide th grey in th rearview-th road is louder than th radio

(only christmas cards I get
are from brokerage house moneymen…
I’m nothing but a client- how much for
th little white lie of yr love?)

I can’t hide so I can’t stay-
there’s a full moon all over th world
* tv hosts in finland & france beam us their gameshow reminders- there’s a full moon all over th world
* shining brightly again on super bowl sunday, 1999- & casting th clearest, sharpest moonshadows i ever remember noticing…how bright was it? i went to take a leak out in th yard & th stream of piss cast a shadow- *that*s how bright! …earlier, as i began my run on th road to cibuco, i had an unexpectedly clear view of th moon before it rose into th grey line of clouds gathering just above th horizon- a peachy-coral ball as big as th sun climbing out of th ocean…

…woke up on ground hog day (virgen d la candelaria bonfires in puerto rico…) to a giant swell jumping over th seawall, spraying up to th new second story windows…& th phone out…
a week has gone by already- th half moon boat floats up @ midnight- need to plug into a phone line somewhere to post this- san juan- caparra?
luv, d=(8{>

Written by morituri

February 7th, 1999 at 3:24 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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