hebdo.amStrand redux
(night of 04 into 05 by now…
belly achin…complaints? haha…marshall yr resources…gotta be ready to
whatever it takes, bottom line!)
i question yr form history direction autonomy
i question yr name-names position substance
-even yr power & glory, paradoxically @odds w/ yr pure pervasive
total absolute formless reality: this is & is not th world
of spirit, source & object of prayer & supplication.
is there a gob of entropic matter in th universe so alien
separate & inert it has no impulse breaking kernel quickening
charge of electron consciousness dance already
exploding on its infinite journey to fulfilled awareness?
ah, we are nothing but flares lit up for th weekend party-
if that long- th tide rises full & fast
to drown th pouring shore of summer in restless sleep…
few meeting points to safely join skin to skin, fully awake
to th scraping sand-
greying cloud eyes yield to th shadow ocean & its foaming embrace…
back on th beach…luv, d=(8{>