
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.

hebdo.unterWegs-night train

without comments

…falling asleep in my chair- finally made it into th mediterranean sea @ about two in th morning…still

couldn’t get to sleep when i got back, puttering around my half-packd travel bags…couple of nights ago, th

possibility seemd to arise w/ deceptive solidity of sharing car rental expenses w/ three guys- two scots, one

englishman- on holiday from studies @ edinburgh university. an intense young pool-playing frenchman name of

denys- th youngest, nice-born sibling in a family that moved south from outside of paris-whetted my appetite

for th hills, speaking of a canyon area in red clay slopes to th northeast, insisting it harbored more natural

beauty than th gorges du verdon, including th only nestings of white-collared european eagles in th area…he

was supposd to meet us last night w/ some fresh-pickd jenepy (juniper?) from his day hike, but no sign of

him…andrew, kris & kenny fly back to edinburgh on thursday & andrew’s th only one who’s brought his license &

has had it long enough to qualify as my o-pilot on a rental, seemingly…so we’ve just talkd, strolld out to th

beach w/ svenja- indiana-raisd german girl who has promisd to help me translate a classified to place on th

bauhaus-universitaet online bulletin board, offering some financial incentives to a student who might think it

worth his while to make an eco-retrofitting of th old house in la guardia his diploma project…th water was

uncannily warm. felt as warm as puerto rico. maybe my inner heat helped. svenja is a sparklingly mysterious,

no-nonsense tomboy & of course i feel like a total, drooling fool around her. i hope i get some sleep on this

train. if i can’t seem to find a place to stay in barcelona, i’m considering continuing on to galicia monday

night. or i could try chus torrens in huesca, or paco simon in zaragoza…
& yr friends, baby/they treat you like a guest/don’t you want somebody to…

Written by morituri

September 26th, 1999 at 2:57 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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