
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


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cuáles son estas mismas ciudades- ?
las calles parecen diferentes y dejan de ser parte de nuestra ruta
el tiempo ha pasado más rápida y evidentemente sobre los adoquines y el asfalto
(que) pretendiendo no reflejarnos…!
la soledad me conduce
hacer de mi vida un espejo
aunque sucio y opaco…
en estas duramente ambiguas tareas
reposa el corazón de mi subsidiado fracaso
tras la fortuita fachada de libertad
y despreocupada holgura vagabunda
que perpetra el fraude más verosimil del éxito.

Written by morituri

March 17th, 2004 at 1:41 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

dispersos & reunidos2

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Textos: dispersos y reunidos…domingo de los Padres, 15 de junio 2003
Del amor me llega sólo un aire abstracto

informe geometría desollada que apenas

logra definirse en mis pulmones

Si tu cuerpo es un templo vacío qué le vamos a hacer…

No te pido ni exijo- cómo habría de poder-

entrar sin profanarte, arte de narices?

-pero ráspame un carinyo, un abrazo

un alivio al ser

tu instrumento desde mi sonoro hueco…

abre prende gira empuja deja

(grifo pluma manguera surtidor fuente acueducto cuenco conductores)

detalla escribe atiende anota dispara otro apunte blanco

una rosa sin oriente, ramillete de los días asignados

repartidos tus pétalos en el vuelco mareado de los cuatro vientos

(sólo espero sólo la muerte solo)

bella vida bebida-

valiente su evasión compartida, rendida

tu singularidad- únicamente transitoria entrega

desautor sin auto, reflejo propuesto

busca para encontrar mirada

en el espejo cobarde de los anyos

quisiera quisiera monstruosa gata

tus pezunyas me han marcado hasta el borde

que se desmorona en tu abismo

llevo anyos escupiendo restos de pelaje

acabado el tiempo de mutuo mordisqueo

toda medida de historia posterior

o anterior se desdibuja indefinida…

(logré tan profundamente perderme en ti…

rompí deshice rasgué y borré

todo borde límite identidad

frontera definición o coherencia…)

(hostos bróder- esto está difícil…ahora con el espanish keyboard variation sin saber cuáles o dónde están los cambios…!”#$%&/()=?¡¿’_-:.;,[{Ññ*+¨´¨´]} -okey…veremos…)

(ay joaco…ay pablito…qué va a ser de mí- )

tengo los huesos gastados bajo esta piel

frágil y conservada en frustración

de salud y apetito delicado

pero insaciable de trago y canción

el único dolor de mi soledad

es la falta de razón para sufrir

ausencia de tu pretexto en el penar

es que soy la sombra erguida de una hoguera

columna retorcida del humo

de fogata que arde al descampado

la espesa bocanada de una llama verde

que no acaba de limpiar las sobras

ni rendir en seco su verano

no me esfumo por ahora

pero viajo con el viento

la tentación resistida

es otro muro al tiento

(sobre un reducido escenario del infinito por muestra no hay nadie ni público ni privado ni audiencia ni espectadores ni socios capitalistas ni camaradas ni técnicos ejecutores ni ejecutantes ejecutivos pillados por el dolor punzante montado a horcajadas sobre la larga verja de lenguas la divisoria entre predios y bandos cabalgando el contrahecho muro de intereses culturales…desde el propio rincón donde las dos paredes no logran el mínimo refugio habitable abundamos todo el falso pasado que repetimos de memoria para consolarnos con todo lo que conocimos ante cuanto hemos olvidado- desde la mirada y su rostro insaciable apunta lo perdido en el disparo de barriga llena contra corazón intractablemente descontento- murmurando la tonada desvalida en medio de la tormenta como el solitario radio de la planta baja prisionero del tomacorriente corroído y su estática…)

Written by morituri

March 17th, 2004 at 1:36 am

Posted in Uncategorized

readyMade_Sept_& more…FYEO!

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(what i was talking about- FYEO!)

samsatsabatag el 6…0406h-
(nord or sur, muga verja border cantina frontera…)
is there no end to grieving
is there no end to mourning
for th losses a man’s hidden tears
gathered away til some secret daybreak
are supposed to wash away clean?
(est or vest, crossing core source twilight destiny cafe zentrum…)
who tags th bill on comfort
who bills th tag on shelter
from th market storm on true love
my sinking load refuses to dissolve
in a flashy wad undone…for respite, not for spite??

freiviervenenes, 5, ok!
…but it’s just after midnight & donner & blitzen crisscross th loaded skies of barcelona. i may go out again, it’s quite a show. plus there must be oodles of gorgeous drunken blonde tourists soaked to th curvy, jiggly bone out there…if i can improve my attitude, i might get lucky after all, to celebrate my impending half-century…dream on, tropical fool, dream on…0107h, as i steel myself to stepping back out into th spare but slowly building shower of splattering fat raindrops…another bullshitting nice guy, another sweet girl bullshitter- it’s ooooonly talk…
(0239h- desde una era vaciada de bulto reflexivo
o la espera reflexiva drenada de tiempo…?
somnolencia huele a queso curado- otra supervivencia?)
1439h-what was bill murray’s character in ghostbusters? ‘back off man, i’m a scientist!’
doctor- umm?…in my childhood i played at chemistry sets- before i had my own i seem to remember my cousin marilse was very generous in allowing me entry into her impressive lab- half-believing, half-hoping it was th logical shortcut to acquiring extraordinary powers thru
th appropiate freak accident & finding myself a secret superhero…had this attitude
survived th transformations & crises of adolescence, i wonder, would i have limped into a passionate, misunderstood crusade within some field closer to what is contemptuously referred to as ‘pseudo-science’, just like…dr.veckman! that’s th name…well, he does get
th girl in th end- sigourney weaver doing her usual ice queen, with a nice added hot twist, hehehhh…i coulda settled for that…no such luck, it seems, sobsob…
-& speaking of pseudo-science, isn’t there yet a major work of art criticism centering
on how one of th ruling tropes of postmodern art practice, which would focus th relationship between form & content by organizing related variations into series of works under th notion of research & cultural investigation, has devolved into th more or less (whether commercially or aesthetically speaking) successful sensationalism of damien hirst’s specimens as well as
th chapmans’ monstrous children’s tribes…?
1757h- all bets are not off- realize i spend a lot of my obsessive-depressive energy imagining i’m at some perverse roulette wheel in my head, wondering who dies next & who ends up
as last man standing…chief parties in play are my brothers & my dad- & myself, of course, whom i lay bets against, either way…some of my ex-girlfriends may be lurking around
th table…& some good (or not so good?) friends also may turn up for th ride…
indeed, exactly ten years ago last friday my ma died. teresa was pregnant by some boyfriend who didn’t want anything to do with a kid, so…ten months or so after breaking up
(in th wake of our conflicted debacle of a collaboration on a piece to show at teatro pregones
in da bronx for that much ballyhooed 5th columbus centennial …) she was fucking me again- off’n'on- little did i know…but how could i have imagined…

donjeuthurdi le 4…
pace grey unfair play. nestoriza tradiciones traicionadas
muvimoviwave, hah. marullo el rotoscope down…
hasta el punto rap nap. zzzzzzzzzzzz
y hasta el radish, duro hihongo

wemermitt, 3…0458h!
ah, sincera profunda y privadamente
nocturno: querer alcanzar el alba
por su rabo felino ya que trae cola…
ajenas oraciones recogidas en los cruces de avenidas exentas de rotonda…
es otra labor agraciada, con la delicadeza de mantener el silencio colgado
del marco o la repisa, a pesar de lo rasgado de su estado…
agradezco la discreta campanada- su muted peal- tanyer asordinado, enmudecido…
no es evidencia de debilidad sino de focus & containment…
camino a dreamland…walking sobre las huellas…kevin volans…ancestors
…hors du parti, hors du combat. just jerk off. nothing else but waiting to die.
que recuerdo? irritacion retrocede sin vomitar su rabia y solloza cansancio
(irritante retrocede para sollozar desinflado cansancio sin vomitar su rabia)

too hard to get me hard, my apologies. not worth yr trouble. you work hard enough-
nothing more than feelings, nothing more honest than rose-colored glasses, nothing
sillier than heartbroken stars in my eyes. i will see you in court, love of my life.
growing dizzier all th time…since you’re not mine…all those years ago…in my life…come home…get back/to where you once belonged- i’m begging you please…abandon all hope… relinquish…bittersweet surrender…no turning back- nowhere to go…money…changes everything…it’s a crime…

martumardieday, sept.2…
woof woofoof- hair of th dog at bit im, wot? ready for our inventory now then?
i tell you…you never- one never know, do one?
bells of old in bed yet signal gearshifting traffic- mental or otherwise
2105h- of course i’m not running. just thankful hangover isn’t a lot worse…heartbreaking news roberto brambilla has grown his ecoresort plans into a megaproject- even if ’sustainability’ is still th catchword & selling point- from 150 or so cuerdas to 400?? -according to carmelo- well, i feel bad all around…for vieques, for john todd…even for brambilla. i wonder where he’s finally gotten his financing, who his partners are…might he have had to sell his soul…? oof… it’s past ten, dammit. do you know what yr priorities are?

monlunday 1o de spetpebre- 0144h-
..twenty minutes after midnight, if you subtract the extra daylight savings hour,
a thundershower blows into Barcelona to close th month of August…

duck season, rabbit season…phone harvest, wireless winelines-
clever weaver a-waitin’ on stroke of midnights past
itchy kitschy koo park sings th video star
blow, season, asleep on th job?

what ever happened to my sweet little angel slut
my immaculate cocksucker
my radiant cum-slurping piggie?
ah! she married money & grew shamefully respectable…

sometimes th smell of old smalltown galicia
reaches out of th dusty dingy unremodeled recesses
in this big old 18th century barcelona building

donde esta mi cuerita minufli que minufla
se caso con un viejo rico minufli que minufla…

2334h… fast & dark, early burn down my throat
-noticias- buenas nuevas- evangile armageddon?
outside or down, boy por alergias & burn burn burn…
pasan unidades…marcan olores detergentes…
rodeado por la propia desoriental, reconozco el ocaso
…ask me again-
el deseo es cualquier picor hecho ruta o sendero
y aceptar que un pie tiene su planta

wanderlustmedia: a virtual ground for homeless desire
– tierra virtual para el deseo vagabundo

a virtual ground for homeless desire

Written by morituri

March 17th, 2004 at 1:34 am

Posted in Uncategorized


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(hotmail seems to change format & font? had i sent you this one? d- )
>last domdimsunntag in august- 0327h-
>gimme room- i got you, room-
> room is what you make it, hold on to yr room
> i make room, i
>remember room, more than enough
>-room here, room there or elsewhere…
>oblivion el abridor…memory rooms cheap & close
> better bigger needy races a train across th tracks
> you got no news you can understand
>por cojones i will correct early morning bulletins con cojones
> to forward march dubious results
> detach one way or on another
>forgotten route
>cada vez menos atado a lo que conozco
> -es una forma de enfermedad cualquiera y toda
> otra patologia de dudoso y
>ambiguo diagnostico…
>it’s four in th morning, sang leonard
>on th path to dharma transmission
>four in th morning approaching th night
>beneath something like a heart
>four in th morning lighter than th sparkling
>burning skin of th tender whores that drape
>soft shadow arms across my shoulders
>on our promenade up las ramblas…
>sad political choices backing power into a client corner
>an effort into a dive, a promise broken into questions
>a route followed beyond visible, manageable means
>past recognisable, intelligible, ascertainable ends…
>frianotherday…0325h! life is very strange & magnificently
>bewildering…te cuento manyana, despues de hablar un poco con el franchute
>a la luz de la tarde…but what can i say- one quiet, near-deserted bar
>designed by a friend that didn’t show up, none of my choice poison, one
>cocktail i didn’t want, but a miraculous conjunction of people…more
>pieces of th puzzle that begins to…look like a recognisable image pattern
>into place…
>dondonnjove…(0326h!) otra desvelada. but back on positive street: a ver
>quiay con la diz que chilanga maricarmen de valentina (besides good
>tequila: try pollo al mole, or- ?)
>wemietwochday 27…cotidiano desplazado…at th stroke of six…patching up
>th break of day…to no avail, sunk into scary deep existential nightmare-
>in a commune? my friends, recognised scientists all, harbor a pagan,
>cultish side- we’re playing for keeps here, as footholds crumble into some
>heavily manured, churning compost?
>…as i beg off(?) & step away, they take me aside- it’s no game, it’s
>unavoidable: i’m to be sacrificed, whether ritually stabbed in th heart, or
>by gunshot if i really prefer it- but they assure me it will not be
>necesarily be quicker or painless…yikes…
>better make my peace, looks like i can’t talk my way out of this one & i’m
>royally fucked. this is it. me van a limpiar la cachaza. fuck fuck fuck.
>tumadierdi (0159h) fine, i can stuff my ears with th plugs- but who are
>these fucks, endlessly talking behind th curtain to whatsername’s room at
>two in th morning?? (i eventually find out- julia’s brother, alessandro &-
>??)1400h…coffee#2?? sure, why not?
>solmingo de gayo (de san garabito) let’s go get brrrrunch, dammit!
>samsamasabasatag 23, haha…o gotta sit sit sit & let it bleed for once
>twice gone…kay lokkera silente, lokke lokkkera muda…so blu, di pinto di
>blau-azul-blava…oscuro fosco fosca sombra…schattenreich? ass asso sea
>ay shun…por cantar…nydia gana el OTI en el ‘73 creo porque recuerdo-
>ummm- no, antes: el chileno que recuerdo haciendo riposta en zamba o
>chacarera lo escucho en el ‘72, andaba con la pareja americana que hacia
>trio- lo conoci a traves de jesus, que cantaba con FE…with th chicano? or
>niuyorican? drummer…i was crashin at th big apt with cabu, bajista de
>miguel rios, la chicana? xochitl…&c; &c; &c…how; th hell did i hook up
>with this whole bunch?? Mas de treinta anyos hace ya de todo esto, joder,
>mecachis, punyeta…who knows where th time goes??? once upon a time in
>america…once upon a time, in spain- or italy…??
> 1352- always end up clearing & baring more of my face than i
>intend-shoving th borders of my follicle fields
> back, row by irregular salt & pepper cheekline row, with an old
>disposable razor…es el cafe, el chocolate, el croissant…
> 1756- ultimate lunch & haven’t made it out th door yet today.
>vellacqera emergente, i’d hazard. gajes del oficio solteril.
>fritoday le22…1322-…y vuelvo y cambio de opinion en tiempo de bolero-
>no no no quiero, no quiero volver a ilusionarme nunca jamas ni por tu amor
>ni el de ninguna otra mujer esa es mi vida de ayer…hoy ya soy otro-
>haciendo de tripas corazon, y fuerzas de tu desidia y tu desden… (lalo!!
>’yo vivo en el monte y no quiero saber mas de ti…’-y ‘deseo salvaje/de
>tenerte en mis brazos…’)
>donnersday 21…2152h…talk to me…don’t wanna go there- but if you show
>me you can drag me down nice n hot…i’ll only hold back as long as it
>takes to let you know i’m worth all yr trouble…
>mittwoch 20- MANO DE OBRA- ‘La Mano de Obra’…? lo que falta, vehiculo y
>proceso manifestador-manifestante-manifiesto-manifiestero-manifestivo de
>ideas conceptos suenyos…cedazo de pruebas, filtro, vallas…
>martes 19…uf. la cabeza o lo que pudiera en pretendida teoria o broma
>filosofica/ontologica denominarse su contenido- su actividad?- se hace mas
>explicitamente circular y solipsista…blabla: la cabeza gira dando vueltas
>sobre si, pero sin eje, rabiando contra la extincion de bolanyo. roberto,
>te voy a catalanizar el nombre porque esta maquinita es una mierda
>inservible en lo que a redactar castellano ortograficamente se refiere…a
>la mieeer…coles…aislado y aislante…es la vida como un robo…citando
>a corretjer? -o a las decimas desglosadas de silverio sobre el poema de don
>juan antonio? poca cosa y anyicos- porque las imagenes son solo de
>conyos…jajaha…ardiente sombra y paciente? aguardar enferma si no es
>forma de convalescencia…no se me ha perdido, meramente extraviado el
>motor-ingenio: engine no es lo mismo que motor, however we may regard them
>as equal? o viceversa? igual but not th same? un cosquilleo ansioso,
>premonitorio en la cicatriz que queda del prepucio
> indica lo aprendido al atardecer- el espacio se traduce en tiempo y lo
>traiciona en la penumbra de la habitacion arruinada…pudiera ser el tiempo
>el que se manifiesta y covierte en un espacio…su desembocadura su
>transcurso… su alarde hueco de permanencia… maestro… cerradura…
>madre soltera…gozne de los deseos informes… indefinidos, ambiguos
>quejosos mordidos apagados perfilados sospechosos de agosto- el nombre de
>la riqueza en su agobiante temporada, al borde del agotamiento- agota
da y
>lunes 18…me hundo en el naufragio turbio de cada conversacion trenza
>trenzante de topicidad y anecdotario que ensucia y desmarca los bordes de
>mi ruta tictoc…me hundo…tertulia sinfin, reciclaje de lugares comunes-
>te leo ya muerto, recien cincuentenario, reflejando habitantes de tu
>juventud entre anacoreta de recintos o antimonje vagabundo, repetido por
>los treintanyeros de principios de este nuevo siglo, construyendo ruinas
>esteticas de futuro resumido en…parece que llega el momento o adquiero el
>dispositivo que me permite me impulsa traducir ejecutar actuar pasear mi la
>inquietud exteriorizar en lugar de tragar ansiosamente…y? en lugar de
>laborar sobre las comunicaciones en ciencia ficcion, me regalo vino y queso
>en el museo de la gastronomia para luego acompanyar a marcelo en su
>recepcion al locutorio-internet hasta el fin de turno a las dos de la

Written by morituri

March 17th, 2004 at 1:25 am

Posted in Uncategorized


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(hotmail seems to change format & font? had i sent you this one? d- )
>last domdimsunntag in august- 0327h-
>gimme room- i got you, room-
> room is what you make it, hold on to yr room
> i make room, i
>remember room, more than enough
>-room here, room there or elsewhere…
>oblivion el abridor…memory rooms cheap & close
> better bigger needy races a train across th tracks
> you got no news you can understand
>por cojones i will correct early morning bulletins con cojones
> to forward march dubious results
> detach one way or on another
>forgotten route
>cada vez menos atado a lo que conozco
> -es una forma de enfermedad cualquiera y toda
> otra patologia de dudoso y
>ambiguo diagnostico…
>it’s four in th morning, sang leonard
>on th path to dharma transmission
>four in th morning approaching th night
>beneath something like a heart
>four in th morning lighter than th sparkling
>burning skin of th tender whores that drape
>soft shadow arms across my shoulders
>on our promenade up las ramblas…
>sad political choices backing power into a client corner
>an effort into a dive, a promise broken into questions
>a route followed beyond visible, manageable means
>past recognisable, intelligible, ascertainable ends…
>frianotherday…0325h! life is very strange & magnificently
>bewildering…te cuento manyana, despues de hablar un poco con el franchute
>a la luz de la tarde…but what can i say- one quiet, near-deserted bar
>designed by a friend that didn’t show up, none of my choice poison, one
>cocktail i didn’t want, but a miraculous conjunction of people…more
>pieces of th puzzle that begins to…look like a recognisable image pattern
>into place…
>dondonnjove…(0326h!) otra desvelada. but back on positive street: a ver
>quiay con la diz que chilanga maricarmen de valentina (besides good
>tequila: try pollo al mole, or- ?)
>wemietwochday 27…cotidiano desplazado…at th stroke of six…patching up
>th break of day…to no avail, sunk into scary deep existential nightmare-
>in a commune? my friends, recognised scientists all, harbor a pagan,
>cultish side- we’re playing for keeps here, as footholds crumble into some
>heavily manured, churning compost?
>…as i beg off(?) & step away, they take me aside- it’s no game, it’s
>unavoidable: i’m to be sacrificed, whether ritually stabbed in th heart, or
>by gunshot if i really prefer it- but they assure me it will not be
>necesarily be quicker or painless…yikes…
>better make my peace, looks like i can’t talk my way out of this one & i’m
>royally fucked. this is it. me van a limpiar la cachaza. fuck fuck fuck.
>tumadierdi (0159h) fine, i can stuff my ears with th plugs- but who are
>these fucks, endlessly talking behind th curtain to whatsername’s room at
>two in th morning?? (i eventually find out- julia’s brother, alessandro &-
>??)1400h…coffee#2?? sure, why not?
>solmingo de gayo (de san garabito) let’s go get brrrrunch, dammit!
>samsamasabasatag 23, haha…o gotta sit sit sit & let it bleed for once
>twice gone…kay lokkera silente, lokke lokkkera muda…so blu, di pinto di
>blau-azul-blava…oscuro fosco fosca sombra…schattenreich? ass asso sea
>ay shun…por cantar…nydia gana el OTI en el ‘73 creo porque recuerdo-
>ummm- no, antes: el chileno que recuerdo haciendo riposta en zamba o
>chacarera lo escucho en el ‘72, andaba con la pareja americana que hacia
>trio- lo conoci a traves de jesus, que cantaba con FE…with th chicano? or
>niuyorican? drummer…i was crashin at th big apt with cabu, bajista de
>miguel rios, la chicana? xochitl…&c &c &c…how th hell did i hook up
>with this whole bunch?? Mas de treinta anyos hace ya de todo esto, joder,
>mecachis, punyeta…who knows where th time goes??? once upon a time in
>america…once upon a time, in spain- or italy…??
> 1352- always end up clearing & baring more of my face than i
>intend-shoving th borders of my follicle fields
> back, row by irregular salt & pepper cheekline row, with an old
>disposable razor…es el cafe, el chocolate, el croissant…
> 1756- ultimate lunch & haven’t made it out th door yet today.
>vellacqera emergente, i’d hazard. gajes del oficio solteril.
>fritoday le22…1322-…y vuelvo y cambio de opinion en tiempo de bolero-
>no no no quiero, no quiero volver a ilusionarme nunca jamas ni por tu amor
>ni el de ninguna otra mujer esa es mi vida de ayer…hoy ya soy otro-
>haciendo de tripas corazon, y fuerzas de tu desidia y tu desden… (lalo!!
>’yo vivo en el monte y no quiero saber mas de ti…’-y ‘deseo salvaje/de
>tenerte en mis brazos…’)
>donnersday 21…2152h…talk to me…don’t wanna go there- but if you show
>me you can drag me down nice n hot…i’ll only hold back as long as it
>takes to let you know i’m worth all yr trouble…
>mittwoch 20- MANO DE OBRA- ‘La Mano de Obra’…? lo que falta, vehiculo y
>proceso manifestador-manifestante-manifiesto-manifiestero-manifestivo de
>ideas conceptos suenyos…cedazo de pruebas, filtro, vallas…
>martes 19…uf. la cabeza o lo que pudiera en pretendida teoria o broma
>filosofica/ontologica denominarse su contenido- su actividad?- se hace mas
>explicitamente circular y solipsista…blabla: la cabeza gira dando vueltas
>sobre si, pero sin eje, rabiando contra la extincion de bolanyo. roberto,
>te voy a catalanizar el nombre porque esta maquinita es una mierda
>inservible en lo que a redactar castellano ortograficamente se refiere…a
>la mieeer…coles…aislado y aislante…es la vida como un robo…citando
>a corretjer? -o a las decimas desglosadas de silverio sobre el poema de don
>juan antonio? poca cosa y anyicos- porque las imagenes son solo de
>conyos…jajaha…ardiente sombra y paciente? aguardar enferma si no es
>forma de convalescencia…no se me ha perdido, meramente extraviado el
>motor-ingenio: engine no es lo mismo que motor, however we may regard them
>as equal? o viceversa? igual but not th same? un cosquilleo ansioso,
>premonitorio en la cicatriz que queda del prepucio
> indica lo aprendido al atardecer- el espacio se traduce en tiempo y lo
>traiciona en la penumbra de la habitacion arruinada…pudiera ser el tiempo
>el que se manifiesta y covierte en un espacio…su desembocadura su
>transcurso… su alarde hueco de permanencia… maestro… cerradura…
>madre soltera…gozne de los deseos informes… indefinidos, ambiguos
>quejosos mordidos apagados perfilados sospechosos de agosto- el nombre de
>la riqueza en su agobiante temporada, al borde del agotamiento- agotada y
>lunes 18…me hundo en el naufragio turbio de cada conversacion trenza
>trenzante de topicidad y anecdotario que ensucia y desmarca los bordes de
>mi ruta tictoc…me hundo…tertulia sinfin, reciclaje de lugares comunes-
>te leo ya muerto, recien cincuentenario, reflejando habitantes de tu
>juventud entre anacoreta de recintos o antimonje vagabundo, repetido por
>los treintanyeros de principios de este nuevo siglo, construyendo ruinas
>esteticas de futuro resumido en…parece que llega el momento o adquiero el
>dispositivo que me permite me impulsa traducir ejecutar actuar pasear mi la
>inquietud exteriorizar en lugar de tragar ansiosamente…y? en lugar de
>laborar sobre las comunicaciones en ciencia ficcion, me regalo vino y queso
>en el museo de la gastronomia para luego acompanyar a marcelo en su
>recepcion al locutorio-internet hasta el fin de turno a las dos de la

Written by morituri

March 17th, 2004 at 1:25 am

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…i write from the same place i wrote one of my few pieces in Spanish exactly four years ago, after arriving at chef Iñaxio Navas’ restaurant-grill, the eponymous ‘Asador Iñaxio’, precisely on his birthday, October 19…
first of all, thanks for all the expressions of sympathy. it’s been another grating turn of the screw to my sense of loss.
next, some good news: i got an email from a woman named María who’s found my pocket calendar-agenda & my near-written-full little ‘moleskin’ notebook!
…i’m also debating posting some flyers: reward, no questions asked…
there is a police station on th premises at Sants, i’m returning on th night train tonight
& will see about filing a report when i arrive in th morning…
Lydia at Itur-Net was flabbergasted that i rembered her. she & her partner have a three-year-old girl now. Pamplona-Iruña has experienced a big expansion & development boom, disorienting to some of my friends here as well as myself. there seems to be a generalized feeling life is increasingly regimented & moving towards some sort of ‘American’ model…
i was woken by an anxiety atteck in th middle of th night yesterday, after managing to get some sleep, spent afternoon & evening walking from one end of town to another.
th first impression of four years ago grows: this is a dramatically beautiful town, with ancient walls overlooking th meandering Arga river & generous park greenery…
well, i’m hoping my friend, photographer-restaurateur & committed traveler Fernando Ansó has called and can show up at Iñaxio’s for lunch on th chef’s 62nd birthday…
thanks again for being there, y’all. guess it’s true, what they say in Puerto Rico:
‘Dios aprieta, pero no ahoga’

Written by morituri

October 19th, 2003 at 5:41 pm

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(calle callada…desvio desviado de la ruta al vecindario del ruido mas aca…
lara, larita…nombre de cancion olvidada, reducida a restos de melodia-
quisiera…lo que me falta para hacerte el cuento…
esos ojos me dicen…mejor olvidarme de ti cuanto antes…
me puse viejo muy de repente y ya no tengo nada que ofrecer…)

al paso de cualquier animal extinto
al ritmo de cualquier animal erguido
sobre sus temblorosas patas traseras

al peso de amargas decepciones
sin medida en la experiencia
para racionalizar sus heridas

al roce del instinto solitario
si amor solamente designa
o limita mi carga de abandonos

vieja historia gastada que resiste
su moraleja labrada en piedra
por la acidez del llanto en falso
que sella y certifica la solidez
del abismo de verdades truncas…

Written by morituri

September 9th, 2003 at 4:10 pm

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domingo 17…

ah. home? in th dark…demo repertoire? ‘i shall be released’, ‘bob dylan’s dream’?- couple elvis costello tunes- ‘red shoes’? um- th name of sting’s vampire tune? ‘moon over bourbon street’! -’moonlight in vermont’? ‘everything happens to me’…lush life?? ‘a cottage for sale’…male torchers, remember?…folk jazz??

0233h-viernes 15…

uf. no run since sunday, verges to jafre…no workout at all since monday. dehydrating tuesday travel. coulda, mighta, shoulda run yesterday…began move today, too much talk & hangin out…valencia last week of th month? or first days of september, then come back to pack up & go to arles…??

domingo 10- 1334h- ampurdan haiku, jafre haiku-

anxious passenger

pacing in unmoored wait

testing for fullness…

su paso carga

la menguante de huellas:

cigarra muda

…whoa…dream with shanti & josie? shanti doing a performance or showing at a gallery? andy?? (was that shanti & josie i saw once- old san juan?) why so very blank?? much less alcohol than last couple of nights- candida die-off?? anticipating return to town, having to pack, gotta get cash…? you lose th morning, you lose th day, man- damndamndamn- 1424h…not enough coffee, too much coffee…walk? run? dhea? ginseng? food?

friday/samstag 8/9- 0107h…

balls balls home balls home

as i pee my shadow

miracle moonset after midnight

…excuse me, i draw th line between spiritual & religious right here, left there

solitary puzzles…wow. a pattern mistakes drunker’n'ever, older ‘n’ever…

further i remember fiction is th key?

waning moonshadow

weaving between dry ditches

sets into daybreak

(para una que otra gina…)

soy comunista de los buenos-

los pocos, los soberbios entregados:

por hacer patrimonio y propiedad comunitaria

compraba libros que me robaste, cabrona:

Neruda Huidobro Guillen (Jorge el espanyol y Nicolas el cubano)

Pales Matos Mandelstam Hernandez Rilke Celaya…

y ahora sin saber que queda, nada permanece…

domingo 3- 0421h…

dear mr.fantasy/play us a tune…it’s over… be as a dead man & do what you will? what will? how close to dead? how like dead? …insubstantial, inconsequential, indifferent, absent, void, decomposing, disintegrating…sounds like me!

sabadoDos…1818h…a rastazen first step?

:growing in consciousness, came to realize & admit i & i be powerless over other people’s expectations of me- all their attitudes, beliefs, feelings & priorities; powerless over my own vulnerabilites- all the internalised conditionings of my contingent self, which at one & th same time urge me towards compulsive control yet make my so-called life unmanageable…

viernes 1º de agosto- 1314h:

am i being paranoid? is it something i said- something i did? could you spell out what’s going on? why th sudden stop in yr conversation when i walk up? why no hello at all? …on a larger scale, why all th friendly invitations that never pan out, no goodbye & y’re gone…? certainly seems like it’s all talk, only talk…tall talk…just get used to it, get over it? (she sleeps in a chair/in her sad America…she waits in the air…)

domingo 20- 1835h…

i was stuck in deeper ways, was i ? roberto breathing his last mientras yo sudaba frio, con un bloque de mierda pegao a las tripas…no se como dejar de pensar y pensar, con la insoslayable, automatica consecuencia de que el pensar y los pensamientos generados por toda esa actividad disfrazada o invisible me distancien, separen y hasta aislen…pienso en bolanyo- se fue roberto, se acabo roberto para que siga y continue bolanyo, se recoge, esconde, rompe quema y dispersa el entranyable roberto con la consecuencia de que bolanyo aumenta, crece, concentra sin dejar de abundar en reparticion- es bolanyo el texto que tejio roberto desde su traicionero y a la vez heroico higado, como una perversa tarantula de centelleante ironia y fina conversacion, de vagabundeo y proyecto y esquema y actividad compulsiva…que mucha chorrada nos permitimos decir sobre los recien muertos mas brillantes…para mi, el amigo que nunca fue, el amigo de mi amigo…

lunes 14, bastille dawn- 0112h-

la luna de valencia is full to burst & so gorgeous tonight. sweltering hotel room as bad as th worst of nyc in august…gotta shower down, i’m all sweatstuck together in th worst way…

domingo 13- 0113h-

stupid machines? garbage round & round? aw, party girls whooping it up on th sidewalk outside my hotel are not my young top-model dream whores come to life- they just dress that way- they’re just drawn that way…’put that thing away!’ …it’s put away, darling love of my life- it’s put away for good, it would seem…she sleeps in a chair/in her sad america… 2015h- hardly room on th floor for my abs routine. unless i put th table & chair on th bed? …vroom boom room to move…edge of claustrophobia…
i hear train station chimes, signaling all aboard…

any point- what’s th point- ‘a point in every direction is th same as no point at all’

…didn’t email alex… coulda mighta shoulda stuck around, if only to further irritate th stuck-up fat little tetona slut-princess…go back?? maybe she even works there! another drink, another free online hour…? ok, got a sexy-resentful t-shirt for my solitary aging self: STILL THE BEST FUCK YOU NEVER HAD!

domingo/lunes 6/7…city fire gone ashen mute…blocked sinkhole channels?

sabado 5- de julio…foquin mierda. hadn’t saved yesterday’s stuff- se fue con los foquin blackouts…

Written by morituri

September 8th, 2003 at 5:19 pm

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lunes 30- traigo de todo…wild uncertainties weekend, no news, no reply…

corner to corner- moneda a moneda- coin to coin- d’un coin a l’autre-

city of six-lane blindered highway parallel lives… late night/early morn…blahh…

lunes 23…

hmmm…made it into th ocean two-three minutes late…a little tired…


domingo 22…

nuts. is there a source to this useless brilliance, every other light, any shining gleam that reaches our eyes? is this th feastday of chango, like zeus in th divine gerund, dios, patron

of light in motion and th thunder that underlines & drives its power home? why then

th ocean cleansing? why midnight? why backwards? solstice? midsummer? dialectical materialism as opposed to what? let’s run.

…wrong. again. here still, not still, rehearsing conversations i may never have a chance of performing, talking to myself, or to god, as you please.

viernes 20/sabado 21

strange…did run on monday after all…gotta zzzzz…bis morgen…?

lunes 16.

bloomsday up’n'downs. bit of a coffee excess but quite orageuse so that i doubt i will run…

gotta use th mornings here, afternoons seem to be predictably wet…dublin a year from now? march visit to case it out, meet th joyce society? should finish th ulysses, really!!

viernes 13!

cerdanya again. no sleep on thursday- well, maybe a couple hours. nodding out on th train across dead-serious cute chubby catalana goth nursing her new ankle tattoo…got off en ripoll. candida drowsiness & drying ringworm on my forearm? thought i’d radically cut down on coffee, but craving’s up…run at six?

buy some more cheese & th ‘roc de majorque’? oh, not elegible for interrail: six month official residence in EUnion to qualify. a flexipass limited to spain, maybe. eight or nine trips during a two-month span? madrid? valencia? pamplona? start on deciphering my handwritten fragments of th last couple months…

martes 10, 0448h-

blahhh…moving again- to another room if one turns out to be available? to a month on an interrail ticket? tentatively stopping back for for a few days around la vispera de san juan? madrid? pamplona? huesca? valencia? cerdanya again? dublin???

viernes 6, 1240h:
too much sugar in th pineapple juice, too much butter in th croissants, too much coffee

first thing in my morning…change th program! remember how you shifted gears in germany in ‘94 turning coffee down & having mint tea in th morn…? well- do it again!!

se fundio la unica bombilla que tenia enroscada…

hmmm- is my throat thing allergic? i wake up ok- except for th puffy eyes, even this morn after only having two zuritos of wine- & then after th usual hotel flour-sugar-butter-caffeine breakfast, my chest tightens up. su caso, senyor fiscal…give up on bkfast? for at least a couple of days? just poleo menta & one croissant?? arrrrrrghh…
(1134h…) en la posada del fracaso…

three morning pages, back in ‘96 throughout serious emotional weather…

cocooning on th hoof?? -on wings wings wings to soar above, ascend?

(from a distance…everything’s hunky dory- down here on th ground, it’s a bitch…)

-so how can you tell me/y’re lonely? let me take you by th hand/& show you ’round

th streets of london…self-pity as creative fuel grows increasingly inefficient for this aging engine…need to tap some higher octane, cleaner burning non-fossil renewable resource! higher power? out of th way, shell-self! trust trust trust & engage-disengage-reengage?
take two, take three, take five. six steps beyond seventh heaven?

jueves 5! 1032h: fuga de instrumentos y amados amigos muertos que resucitan

-invisibles? en mis suenyos… andy de nuevo, maria me dice que se ve viejito, ha presentado un espectaculo de danza- i just missed it, just got back to PR??

hazme legible, inteligible, transparente resistente labrado tallado en materiales tibios terrenos indefinidos sino por amor…como compartir…?

(1301h…) i guess i’ll spend my life/just catching colds & missing trains…

i miss pussy, miss pussy…en agradecidamente larga espera de la muerte me dedico a intensificar hasta lo insostenible una especie de saudade, morrinha o anyoranza sexual…

el gigantismo solipsista de la insatisfaccion? gigantismo insatisfecho del solipsismo?? solipsismo gigante? solipsismo insatisfecho llevado al gigantismo!

que vida esta, esta y ninguna otra…

lunes 2…2056h…

que le vamos a hacer si mi vida es un rosario de veranos natimuertos…

cada cuenta es una lagrima de azabache-

un comprimido de ceniza y rosas mustias

de la llama que nunca se avivo de pasion…

soy el ceniciento…amargado resentido…en larga espera

de una princesa roja que nunca me ha reconocido…

1ero de junio- una semana mas tarde…

luz y sombras…tres menos cuarto…ni encendi ni enchufe siquiera la maquinita despues de todo el trance de cargarla por las carreteras y senderos de la cerdanya…y regresar ayer, total, despues de todo, para que? para acabar de saturday nite special en mi cuartito ruidoso overlooking escudellers??

…eran las cuatro y media al salir de la estacion a la resolana violenta de plaza catalunya a mirar las carpas de la feria de comercio justo…no solo no estaba en las de buscar el estudio donde la argentina marina daba el ultimo taller de contact improv en la calle mina, ni corri, apenas hice un set de abdominales…yadda yadda…sofoco de calor en barcelona y una ola de temperaturas que hasta el pirineo se acercaban desde ayer…

de verdad, lastima no haber preguntado si habia una habitacion disponible para una noche mas en cal pai y haber celebrado los cumpleanyos conjuntos de las hijas de francoise massot

y su compa alain…yo siempre siempre tan pachoso, tan pasivo, tan codependiente…

does anything ever change??

je ne sais pas quoi faire- qu’est ce que je vais faire? je ne sais pas quoi faire…pierrot le fou…

1457h- a la calle, lunch, quisiera un filetito de salmon a la plancha con mucho ajo y guarnicion de ensalada, mas nada, eso es todo, es tanto pedir??

2359h- acaricio el borde boto de otra

medianoche infinita por solitaria soleares

sorbiendo las coplas del joaco…

25 de mayo- election day..

gris llovizna sobre los que votan y los que se abstienen

no hay noticia de resultados anticipados para esta hora de las 1917…

hoy no hubiera sobrado el segundo cafe, el de las cuatro al acabar de comer- en lugar

de ponerme a deambular por la botiga leyendo etiquetas sin decidirme a comprar nada…

pero no…a menos que me decida por media de kola-yohimbe-ginseng para suplir la diferencia…1999- la diferencia de cuatro anyos…vaya que cuatro anyos…

(0018h- donners/freitag- jue/viernes, thurs/friday…jeu/vendredi(22-23)

mierda las fronteras- clara mierda

el rastro de lo consumido

para marcar fronteras- y leche

turbia el saltito al porvenir: leche

materna y leche paterna que compiten

en su determinismo naturista.

(el espejo tiembla sus ecos al otro lado)

corriente fluvial al borroso, encogido

pie de mi ventana: al escabroso

fondo del precipicio cri

-el vaso rebosa y desborda magia

en silencio, en soledad, en sellada soberbia…

martes 20.

i wear my solitary habits-

routines, appetites, masks-

lightly on my travels- & more nakedly

as my socializing garments tear down, wear out…

domingo-lunes, 18/19…blog structure ease of beginning at th beginning every time…

or is that it? try again. when was th last time i was regular about morning pages??

i’ve never gotten into using ‘word’- was my powerbook functional at all after getting soaked

by ‘georges’ in sept.’98? (yes, for a while after it dried out, remember?-

managed to use it for a bit until th modem connectors froze from saltwater…)

gonna take a while & some effort to reestablish discipline-

wishing is not enough to make it so…

fuga de energias, de animo…por cual valvula

mal sellada, cual costura muscular

llega el silencio de muros aislantes y maquinaria hundida…?

ayuno y modorra, noche nochera…

(dia de las madres…!)

Written by morituri

September 7th, 2003 at 4:03 pm

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without comments

lunes 30- traigo de todo…wild uncertainties weekend, no news, no reply…

corner to corner- moneda a moneda- coin to coin- d’un coin a l’autre-

city of six-lane blindered highway parallel lives… late night/early morn…blahh…

lunes 23…

hmmm…made it into th ocean two-three minutes late…a little tired…


domingo 22…

nuts. is there a source to this useless brilliance, every other light, any shining gleam that reaches our eyes? is this th feastday of chango, like zeus in th divine gerund, dios, patron

of light in motion and th thunder that underlines & drives its power home? why then

th ocean cleansing? why midnight? why backwards? solstice? midsummer? dialectical materialism as opposed to what? let’s run.

…wrong. again. here still, not still, rehearsing conversations i may never have a chance of performing, talking to myself, or to god, as you please.

viernes 20/sabado 21

strange…did run on monday after all…gotta zzzzz…bis morgen…?

lunes 16.

bloomsday up’n'downs. bit of a coffee excess but quite orageuse so that i doubt i will run…

gotta use th mornings here, afternoons seem to be predictably wet…dublin a year from now? march visit to case it out, meet th joyce society? should finish th ulysses, really!!

viernes 13!

cerdanya again. no sleep on thursday- well, maybe a couple hours. nodding out on th train across dead-serious cute chubby catalana goth nursing her new ankle tattoo…got off en ripoll. candida drowsiness & drying ringworm on my forearm? thought i’d radically cut down on coffee, but craving’s up…run at six?

buy some more cheese & th ‘roc de majorque’? oh, not elegible for interrail: six month official residence in EUnion to qualify. a flexipass limited to spain, maybe. eight or nine trips during a two-month span? madrid? valencia? pamplona? start on deciphering my handwritten fragments of th last couple months…

martes 10, 0448h-

blahhh…moving again- to another room if one turns out to be available? to a month on an interrail ticket? tentatively stopping back for for a few days around la vispera de san juan? madrid? pamplona? huesca? valencia? cerdanya again? dublin???

viernes 6, 1240h:
too much sugar in th pineapple juice, too much butter in th croissants, too much coffee

first thing in my morning…change th program! remember how you shifted gears in germany in ‘94 turning coffee down & having mint tea in th morn…? well- do it again!!

se fundio la unica bombilla que tenia enroscada…

hmmm- is my throat thing allergic? i wake up ok- except for th puffy eyes, even this morn after only having two zuritos of wine- & then after th usual hotel flour-sugar-butter-caffeine breakfast, my chest tightens up. su caso, senyor fiscal…give up on bkfast? for at least a couple of days? just poleo menta & one croissant?? arrrrrrghh…
(1134h…) en la posada del fracaso…

three morning pages, back in ‘96 throughout serious emotional weather…

cocooning on th hoof?? -on wings wings wings to soar above, ascend?

(from a distance…everything’s hunky dory- down here on th ground, it’s a bitch…)

-so how can you tell me/y’re lonely? let me take you by th hand/& show you ’round

th streets of london…self-pity as creative fuel grows increasingly inefficient for this aging engine…need to tap some higher octane, cleaner burning non-fossil renewable resource! higher power? out of th way, shell-self! trust trust trust & engage-disengage-reengage?
take two, take three, take five. six steps beyond seventh heaven?

jueves 5! 1032h: fuga de instrumentos y amados amigos muertos que resucitan

-invisibles? en mis suenyos… andy de nuevo, maria me dice que se ve viejito, ha presentado un espectaculo de danza- i just missed it, just got back to PR??

hazme legible, inteligible, transparente resistente labrado tallado en materiales tibios terrenos indefinidos sino por amor…como compartir…?

(1301h…) i guess i’ll spend my life/just catching colds & missing trains…

i miss pussy, miss pussy…en agradecidamente larga espera de la muerte me dedico a intensificar hasta lo insostenible una especie de saudade, morrinha o anyoranza sexual…

el gigantismo solipsista de la insatisfaccion? gigantismo insatisfecho del solipsismo?? solipsismo gigante? solipsismo insatisfecho llevado al gigantismo!

que vida esta, esta y ninguna otra…

lunes 2…2056h…

que le vamos a hacer si mi vida es un rosario de veranos natimuertos…

cada cuenta es una lagrima de azabache-

un comprimido de ceniza y rosas mustias

de la llama que nunca se avivo de pasion…

soy el ceniciento…amargado resentido…en larga espera

de una princesa roja que nunca me ha reconocido…

1ero de junio- una semana mas tarde…

luz y sombras…tres menos cuarto…ni encendi ni enchufe siquiera la maquinita despues de todo el trance de cargarla por las carreteras y senderos de la cerdanya…y regresar ayer, total, despues de todo, para que? para acabar de saturday nite special en mi cuartito ruidoso overlooking escudellers??

…eran las cuatro y media al salir de la estacion a la resolana violenta de plaza catalunya a mirar las carpas de la feria de comercio justo…no solo no estaba en las de buscar el estudio donde la argentina marina daba el ultimo taller de contact improv en la calle mina, ni corri, apenas hice un set de abdominales…yadda yadda…sofoco de calor en barcelona y una ola de temperaturas que hasta el pirineo se acercaban desde ayer…

de verdad, lastima no haber preguntado si habia una habitacion disponible para una noche mas en cal pai y haber celebrado los cumpleanyos conjuntos de las hijas de francoise massot

y su compa alain…yo siempre siempre tan pachoso, tan pasivo, tan codependiente…

does anything ever change??

je ne sais pas quoi faire- qu’est ce que je vais faire? je ne sais pas quoi faire…pierrot le fou…

1457h- a la calle, lunch, quisiera un filetito de salmon a la plancha con mucho ajo y guarnicion de ensalada, mas nada, eso es todo, es tanto pedir??

2359h- acaricio el borde boto de otra

medianoche infinita por solitaria soleares

sorbiendo las coplas del joaco…

25 de mayo- election day..

gris llovizna sobre los que votan y los que se abstienen

no hay noticia de resultados anticipados para esta hora de las 1917…

hoy no hubiera sobrado el segundo cafe, el de las cuatro al acabar de comer- en lugar

de ponerme a deambular por la botiga leyendo etiquetas sin decidirme a comprar nada…

pero no…a menos que me decida por media de kola-yohimbe-ginseng para suplir la diferencia…1999- la diferencia de cuatro anyos…vaya que cuatro anyos…

(0018h- donners/freitag- jue/viernes, thurs/friday…jeu/vendredi(22-23)

mierda las fronteras- clara mierda

el rastro de lo consumido

para marcar fronteras- y leche

turbia el saltito al porvenir: leche

materna y leche paterna que compiten

en su determinismo naturista.

(el espejo tiembla sus ecos al otro lado)

corriente fluvial al borroso, encogido

pie de mi ventana: al escabroso

fondo del precipicio cristalino

-el vaso rebosa y desborda magia

en silencio, en soledad, en sellada soberbia…

martes 20.

i wear my solitary habits-

routines, appetites, masks-

lightly on my travels- & more nakedly

as my socializing garments tear down, wear out…

domingo-lunes, 18/19…blog structure ease of beginning at th beginning every time…

or is that it? try again. when was th last time i was regular about morning pages??

i’ve never gotten into using ‘word’- was my powerbook functional at all after getting soaked

by ‘georges’ in sept.’98? (yes, for a while after it dried out, remember?-

managed to use it for a bit until th modem connectors froze from saltwater…)

gonna take a while & some effort to reestablish discipline-

wishing is not enough to make it so…

fuga de energias, de animo…por cual valvula

mal sellada, cual costura muscular

llega el silencio de muros aislantes y maquinaria hundida…?

ayuno y modorra, noche nochera…

(dia de las madres…!)

Written by morituri

September 7th, 2003 at 4:03 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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