
zensolo’s e-mailed chronicles posted by morituri.

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

if you missed us, we are baaaaack!

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hello! back. same management. same site. new attitude. thought to drop a line just to let you know we are back with a bang! we will keep you posted with all the developments that are happening here. laters!

Written by morituri

March 18th, 2010 at 6:17 am

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Link to my current Blog!

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…Should have done this a while back, when it became obvious that I wasn’t organized or disciplined enough to draw a line, whether regarding language (–English & Spanish) or content (–Wine & Food & Travel related, versus more general & personal writing) and post reglarly to both templates…I guess sometine soon I could-might-should change my signature to my email templates so that recipients can hotlink to ‘Sangre y Pajas en Flor/ViNomadic’, rather than here–d-uh.http://vinomadic.blogspot.com/

Written by zensolo

May 19th, 2008 at 1:08 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Orientado al Sur, Aliento busca Norte

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merced al antojo y cólicos de añoranza convulsa
el viajero mide infructuosamente cada paso de su ruta perdida

extrañando cada paraje superado
o meramente anterior
cada techo que le separó de la noche

cada lecho que le permitió levantarse aún al día
después de machacarle al esqueleto
largas estaciones de avanzada soledad

buscando reflejar sobre pies al aire
un aliento repite al otro en espejo turbio

bajo el agua corriente que lava la vista
encostrada de ilusiones en polvorosa
un aliento repite al otro

Written by zensolo

December 29th, 2007 at 2:23 pm

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hebdo.Unterwegs redux!

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Tal vez completo mis primeras dos semanas en la Argentina sin haber engullido un bife. La única carne roja que he consumido fue el relleno de un poco de picadillo en una empanada y en un par de zapallitos rellenos.

‘Zapallo’ es calabaza en Gaucho, y zapallitos no son zucchini sino un calabacín verde oscuro, redondito…

Uf. Lunes 17 de diciembre: mañana se cumplen cuatro semanas de aterrizar en Buenos Aires, pasado mañana miércoles serán dos de partir de Rosario a cubrir por carretera los casi mil kilómetros hasta Mendoza…
Un segundo ‘posteo’ en ‘el difícil’ hoy mismo para mi blog sobre vinos, nada en castesshano…y tengo que probar como carga ‘wanderlustmedia’, ya que alguien, no recuerdo quien, mencionó haber intentado buscar, leer y contactarme por este lado sin resultados…

Bueno, entonces enviaré este saludo preliminario a los hispanoparlantes de mi dulceamarga isla 100×35 (160×50 en kilómetros…!) y otros parajes… a ver…

Written by zensolo

December 2nd, 2007 at 12:19 pm

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welcome –

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…bienvenidos, cyber-breadfruits! (SOUND, OFF: ‘The Sheltering Sky’, by King Crimson)

Written by morituri

March 17th, 2007 at 3:44 pm

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mi madre y yo/ my mother & me–

lack echoes absent source
& mirrors void infinity

–my father’n eye?

Written by morituri

December 7th, 2006 at 7:59 pm

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unterWegs:renewal, rededication

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why is it so hard to write these days? I fret over appropiate tools–
I may need to compile my own Whole Earth (Scribbler’s) Catalog
in my tendency to oversegment process & build perfectionistic hurdles
between inspirational, associational, development, editing & structuring stages…

…three nights in Fort Bragg at the Harbor Lite ( http://www.harborlitelodge.com/ )
& a sunny morning farewell got me running down th northern bank of Noyo Harbor by seven…
(Thanksgiving Coffee, of which I’m a ’shareowner’, has its offices, roasting facility & main warehouse on th southside, maybe just a little inland from th main fishboat docks–)

th foreground of eucalyptus over piney aromas, mingled with some kelpy marine notes took me directly to La Guardia, my maternal GrandDad’s hometown in Galicia, just across Rio Minho from Portugal– wonder if anybody’s trying to propagate Albarinho vines around th NW end of Anderson Valley? –or anywhere else near these parts?

Yesterday, between gusty showers, I drove north close to Westport & visited Pacific Star– http://www.pacificstarwinery.com/pacstar/index.jsp
th Westernmost Winery in th lower 48, at least– (I was told there is a winery on Kodiak Island, Alaska, although they work with berries rather than grapes)
–came away with three bottles of atypically subtle wine made by Sally Ottoson.
Also atypical, they were what by other wineries standards might be ‘Library’ wines, with a few years of bottle age & showing nicely. My nose was still half-asleep & it was only on a second taste that th Viognier opened up for me, so I will withhold what would be woefully inadequate tasting notes & trust to share not only th V–, but their Grenache (more a ‘Claret’ to me that th Rose they label it as! –& drinking deliciously six years after harvest!) & idiosyncratic Charbono with th right people at th right time.

Un abrazo, d–

Written by morituri

November 14th, 2006 at 3:24 pm

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th Cafe Central network would be a ParEcon model project…

(–main project for WLM, an ‘anti-franchise’ of local community-based cafetines culturales that host & are themselves linked by th WanderLustMedia ‘portal’,
an online ‘gathering’ of resources for exiles, migrants & th otherwise displaced or wandering labor market pool we all to different degrees are part of…)

as much as possible self-funded by Fair Trade products of high market value from th places of origin of its members:

Cacao Gourmet from Dominican Republic
Cafe from various countries
Wine rom Argentina…


Written by morituri

October 2nd, 2006 at 10:40 am

Posted in Uncategorized


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th Cafe Central network would be a ParEcon model project…

(–main project for WLM, an ‘anti-franchise’ of local community-based cafetines culturales that host & are themselves linked by th WanderLustMedia ‘portal’,
an online ‘gathering’ of resources for exiles, migrants & th otherwise displaced or wandering labor market pool we all to different degrees are part of…)

as much as possible self-funded by Fair Trade products of high market value from th places of origin of its members:

Cacao Gourmet from Dominican Republic
Cafe from various countries
Wine rom Argentina…


Written by morituri

October 2nd, 2006 at 10:40 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Rinzai circling, take 1

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falling in time?
clutching at straw dogs of life passing–

a plunge or a glide

drawing a jagged line
in imaginary sand
between feeling & body

tearing my nails out
on blackest thin air

Written by morituri

October 2nd, 2006 at 1:30 am

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